Nido Community

8 weeks to 18 months

Nido Community

The Nido Community (Italian word for nest) is a beautifully prepared, home-like, environment designed for the changing developmental needs of 8 infants from 8 weeks to 18 months of age.

The Lead Guide holds a MACTE Montessori certification and creates an environment full of rich sensory materials, cause-and-effect work, gross motor, fine motor, and language development activities.

This classroom follows baby-led weaning for the food program (parents provide the food for their child) and more information is given to parents about the food program upon enrolling. 

There is an outdoor classroom space and playground that is specifically for the Nido Community. We also have a 6-seater stroller for children 6 months, and older, so the Guides can take the infants on nature walks around our beautiful 14-acre campus.

The Guide to student ratio is 1:4 in this environment.

Nido is Italian for nest.  
“The things they see are not just remembered, they form a part of their soul.” Maria Montessori  


Environmental Science

  • Ladybird Montessori is located on 14.5 acres of land in Buda, TX. The birth-3 program gets to experience our nature program by going on stroller rides on the walking trail at our school farm and outdoor classroom space. The 3-6 years olds get to go on nature walks on the walking trail, have lessons in the outdoor classroom space, and also have a 2,000 square foot covered porch attached to their classrooms to encourage outdoor learning. The elementary students have a nature class elective in our outdoor classroom space and help care for our farm animals. The middle school students have a maker-space STEAM building where they design different elements for our outdoor spaces such as water irrigation, planter boxes, permaculture projects, etc.

  • Spanish Program

  • Ladybird Montessori has a Spanish program that is hosted by Mariposas Spanish School for Kids. An instructor comes out weekly to present new lessons that the students continue to practice in their classrooms throughout the week.

  • Music Program

  • In the birth-3 and 3-6 programs music is a big part of our group lessons and a wonderful way to teach a variety of lessons in language and social emotional development. In the elementary and middle school programs there are sound bars and lessons where the students practice reading and writing sheet music which can springboard to support any instrument the student may be learning at home. The elementary program also has a choir that has a few performances throughout the year and the middle school will has school plays that incorporate musical elements. The elementary and middle school programs also have a music teacher who provides an after school jazz band and drama club for students who are interested in participating.

  • The Arts

  • In the birth-3 and 3-6 classrooms, there is a designated art section in the classrooms that will rotate to expose students to a variety of art lessons. In the elementary program, there is an art shelf and art is also integrated into the project based learning assignments in the curriculum. In the middle school, the students will have the ability to create a variety of art projects and art installations in the new maker-space.

    Some Examples of the Art Lessons

    • The 7 Principles of Art
    • The Principles of Design
    • Painting Practice and Process Curriculum
    • Pottery (with a kiln in the maker-space)
    • Sewing (with sewing machines in the maker-space)
    • Graphic Design
    • Photography
  • Global Citizens

  • In the 3-6 classrooms the students study geography and cultural lessons to learn about people different than they are. In the elementary classrooms the students get to start their “going out” activities and volunteer in the local community at places such as the Hays County Food Bank. In the middle school the students also volunteer locally as well as have some opportunities to travel as a class for a weekend or week getaway to a farther off destination to learn about permaculture or other interesting lessons at facilities intended for academic growth and hands-on experiences to help improve our world, such as at the Blackwood Land Institute in Hempstead, TX. The middle school students also have the opportunity to participate in the Montessori Model United Nations Conference in New York.

  • 2023-2024 Tuition and Fees

    New Enrollment

    For students new to Ladybird Montessori.

    Application: $50.00 (per student)
    Enrollment: $200.00 (per family)
    Enrichment: $150.00 (per student)

    Total: $400.00

    (Application, Enrollment, and Enrichment Fees are Non-Refundable and hold your child’s placement in the classroom prior to start date.)


    For returning students each school year.

    Re-Enrollment: $150.00
    (re-enrollment fee covers all children in that family)
    Enrichment: $150.00 (per student)
    (fee goes towards supplies for the year)

    Total: $300.00 (per student)
    Total for family with 2 students: $450.00

    (Re-enrollment and enrichment fees are non-refundable.)

    Monthly Tuition:

    Nido Community (NC): (8 weeks – 18 months)
    NC: $1,350/month (7:00am-6:00pm) (12-month program)

    Young Children’s Community (YCC): (18 months – 3 years)
    YCC: $1,250/month (7:00am-6:00pm) (12-month program)

    Children’s House (CH): (3 years – 6 years OR preschool – kindergarten)
    CH Half Day Program: $900/month (8:30am-12:00pm) (12-month program)
    CH Full Day Program: $950/month (8:30am-3:30pm) (12-month program)
    CH Extended Day Program: $1,200/month (7:00am-6:00pm) (12-month program)
    CH After Care: $200/month (3:00pm-6:00pm) (12-month program)

    Elementary Program (Lower El (6-9 years OR 1st – 3rd grade) and Upper El (9-12 years OR 3rd – 6th grade))
    Elementary Program: $1,000/month (8:00am-3:00pm) (10-month program)
    Elementary After Care: $225/month (3:00pm-6:00pm) 10-month program)

    Middle School Program (12-15 years OR 7th – 9th grade)
    Middle School Program: $1,300/month (8:00am-3:00pm) (10-month program)
    Middle School After Care: $225/month (3:00pm-6:00pm) (10-month program)


    Sibling Discount: $25 off per child, per month (cannot be applied to pay in advance options)
    Pay in Advance Discount:
    Pay 6 months in advance:
    5% discount off tuition
    Pay 12 months in advance: 10% discount off tuition
    Elementary Alumni Graduates who re-enroll for Middle School: 15% discount off tuition

    Field Trip Fees:

    Lower Elementary: $400.00 annually or $200.00 bi-annually
    Upper Elementary: $500.00 annually or $250.00 bi-annually
    Middle School: $600.00 annually or $300.00 bi-annually

    ***Does not include the optional Model UN field trip to New York in the spring of 2024***